Category: CryoQué
- Cryonics is the biggest medical challenge. And the best medical challgence. ()
Cryonics is the biggest medical challenge. And the best medical challgence.
- CryoQuébec: le temps arrange les choses ()
Qu’est-ce que la cryogénisation? Peut-on congeler son corps pour le ramener plus tard à la vie? Cela a-t-il un rapport avec le transhumanisme? Peut on se téléverser dans un ordinateur? Un petit-fils interroge son grand-père, qui est aussi un scientifique.
- Cryonics: Time heals all things ()
Cryonics: Time heals all things
- Cryonics is the most difficult medical science for humans in this current world ()
Cryonics is the most difficult medical science for humans in this current world. We welcome problems solvers for that. Try it. 🙂
- Cryonics is the conquest of paradise… ()
Cryonics is the conquest of paradise…
- Cryonics Research is the best way to learn about the brain and its diseases ()
Cryonics Research is the best way to learn about the brain and its diseases
- Cryonics: the good news is spreading…nobody will stop us. We are a force. Together we will win. ()
Cryonics: the good news is spreading…nobody will stop us. We are a force. Together we will win.
- Humans are free. ()
Humans are free.
- CryoQué : Vivre des siècles et des siècles. ()
CryoQué : Vivre des siècles et des siècles.
- Something The Cryonics Institute does not respect in relation with people with mental problems/disease ()
Our society needs an inclusive future that values diversity and provides all members of the community with the opportunity to contribute fully and benefit from our collective progress. It is important to have an inclusive future for several fundamental reasons. Here are some of the main reasons: Social justice: An inclusive future ensures equal opportunities, […]
- Jonathan Després the incredible man who founded an organisation who will save all cryonics patients ()
Jonathan Després the incredible man who founded an organisation who will save all cryonics patients
- To be built by the force of work. ()
To be built by the force of work.
- I asked to the “OpenAI Chat Tool” about “making interviews” for Cryonics Patients. ()
Me/Jonathan Després: I want to make interviews about related scientific fields around cryonics, to help the cryonics industry, to help cryonics patients. OpenAI Chat ( It is important to approach the topic of cryonics with care and respect, as it is a controversial and sensitive subject. If you are interested in promoting cryonics and the […]
- Toward a more easy way to cure cryonics with better solutions & with easy decisions ()
Toward a more easy way to cure cryonics with better solutions & with easy decisions. This is our approach. This is our goal. With information technologies.
- In about 10 years in the future, I will donate 500$USD for you to make interviews for Cryonics with experts. ()
In about 10 years in the future, I will donate 500$USD for you to make interviews for Cryonics with experts. I will fund this and I hope people will be interested.