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Requests for Applications: Measuring Metabolism Across Scales, Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards, and Deep Tissue Imaging (Phase 2)

Published in Scanners and Imaging.

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The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative seeks applications for three open funding opportunities: Measuring Metabolism Across Scales, Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards (Cycle 2), and Deep Tissue Imaging (Phase 2). Read on to learn more about each of these opportunities.

Cortical organoid – Arnold Kriegstein
Measuring Metabolism Across Scales

The Measuring Metabolism Across Scales RFA will support two-year collaborative research projects focused on measuring and understanding metabolism across organelles and cells. This opportunity is intended to support active collaborative teams of researchers with access to established resources ready to be extended, scaled, and applied to address key biological questions in the field of metabolism or metabolic physiology in health and disease. The opportunity also aims to support new collaborative teams focused on bridging multiple biology fields to accelerate metabolism research and the development of new tools to measure human biology. The deadline to apply for this RFA is 5 p.m. Pacific on June 1, 2023.

Image – Kristen Brennand
Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards (Cycle 2)

Cycle 2 of the Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards will support pairs of investigators and their teams to explore innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to address critical challenges in the neurodegenerative disease field and in areas of fundamental neuroscience such as the cellular, molecular and circuit mechanisms of cognition and memory and the neuroscience of sleep. Awards are $200,000 in total costs per collaborating pair for 18 months, after which successful projects will be eligible to apply for additional four-year acceleration grants that build on pilot phase studies. Collaborative Pairs teams will benefit from the support, mentoring and collaborative interactions of the CZI Neurodegeneration Challenge Network, as well as interactions with the broader CZ Science programs and grantee network. The deadline to submit letters of intent is 5 p.m. Pacific on June 22, 2023.

Embryo Computational Microscopy – Shwetadwip Chowdhury
Deep Tissue Imaging (Phase 2)

To gain a deeper mechanistic understanding of biological systems, CZI’s Imaging program aims to visualize and measure them across biological scales and in their biological context. This Deep Tissue Imaging (Phase 2) RFA will support four-year projects to drive development of imaging technologies focused on obtaining cellular resolution readouts within complex living organisms. This grant program will advance the field of deep tissue imaging, which aims to obtain cellular resolution in complex tissue and through skin and bone. To accelerate recent innovations in deep tissue imaging technology development, this Phase 2 RFA is open to all applicants and is not limited to Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1 pilot projects or investigators. The deadline to submit letters of intent is 5 p.m. Pacific on July 11, 2023.

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