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James Bedford Day 2023 with Ben Best and Nikki Olson – COVID update, Cryonics, Medical Alert Devices

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We celebrate the remembrance of the biotechnology self-experimenter Dr. James Bedford, who, on January 14, 2023, will have been cryonically preserved for 56 years. Ben Best will present his three-part talk:

1. A Remembrance of James Bedford
2. An Update on the Covid-19 pandemic with an emphasis on technology
3. An Update on Cryonic Events and technology, with Nicole Olson also

Ben Best is a professional health science journalist, and his education includes degrees in Pharmacy, Physics, and Computing Science.

About Dr. James Bedford:
​James Hiram Bedford (April 20, 1893 – January 12, 1967) is an American psychology professor at the University of California who wrote several books on occupational counseling. He is the first person who was cryopreserved after legal death and remains suspended at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation facility awaiting reanimation.

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“Our task is to make nature, the blind force of nature, into an instrument of universal resuscitation and to become a union of immortal beings.”
– Nikolai F. Fedorov

We hold faith in the technologies & discoveries of humanity to END AGING and Defeat involuntary Death within our lifetime.

Working to Save Lives with Age Reversal Education.

========== Perpetual Life Creed ==========

We believe that all of life is sacred and that we have been given this one life to make unlimited. We believe in our Creator’s divine plan for all of humanity to have infinite lifespans in perfect health and eternal joy, rendering death to be optional.

By following our Gospel we achieve eternal life creating a heaven here on earth.

We follow Nikolai Fyodorov, who taught that the transcendence of the creator will only be solved when humanity in our unified efforts become an instrument of universal resuscitation, when the divine word becomes our divine action.

And we follow Arthur C. Clarke, who said “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.”

And so, we enter each day energized in Spirit and empowered by the words of our prophets to live in joy, serving our creator and all of mankind, Forever and Ever.


Wishing you Perfect Health and Great Longevity!

Perpetual Life, a science-faith based church is open to people of all faiths & belief systems. We are non-denominational & non-judgmental and a central gathering place of Immortalists & Transhumans. What unites us is our common faith, belief and desire in Unlimited Life Spans.

We are located in Pompano Beach FL at 950 South Cypress Road.