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U Scientists Scan World’s First 10.5-Tesla Human MRI Image

Published (updated: ) in Tech News.

This kind of scanner will become cheaper, smarter, more accurate and maybe portable. This kind of scanner could help cryonics patients if we need to touch the cryonics patient. But I doubt it would allow to scan outside the dewars in metal, but maybe they will find a way. Some patients currently have peace maker and they know that already so it might evolve.

Scientists at the University of Minnesota have become the first in the world to perform magnetic resonance imaging of the human body at 10.5 Tesla—a magnetic field strength 10 times greater than a standard MRI and topping even the most advanced scanners elsewhere in the world.

In December, researchers in the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research successfully conducted the first scans with the center’s 10.5-Tesla, whole-body imaging magnet. The 110-ton magnet promises to produce scans at a finer level of detail, bringing new capabilities to scientists studying how the body works. In turn, these discoveries may help physicians more precisely choose the best treatment options for a wide range of diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.